domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017
Information about the Yahuarcocha lagoon
LOCATION: Imbabura - Ibarra - The Priory
HEIGHT: (m.s.n.m.) 2201
The Laguna de Yahuarcocha has an antiquity of 12,000 years. It belongs to the post glacial maximum period. It is a eutrophic lagoon. The annual accumulation of sediments in the last 400 years is 1.5mm.
Area: 240.5 hectares.
Perimeter: 7.86 Km.
Length: 1.8 Km.
Width: 2.2 m.
Depth: 7m.
HEIGHT: (m.s.n.m.) 2201
The Laguna de Yahuarcocha has an antiquity of 12,000 years. It belongs to the post glacial maximum period. It is a eutrophic lagoon. The annual accumulation of sediments in the last 400 years is 1.5mm.
Area: 240.5 hectares.
Perimeter: 7.86 Km.
Length: 1.8 Km.
Width: 2.2 m.
Depth: 7m.
This lake is contaminated by the presence of sewage slopes, reason why it causes a turbid liquid. It has a temperature of 22 ° C
Acacia sp., Persea americana, Pisum sativum, Agave americana, Bacharis floribunda, Scirpus sp., Sida rombifolia, Thypa sp., Eucalyptus globulus, Inga edulis, Ricinus communis, Euphorbia cestrifolia, Eichomea crassipess, Plantago major, Zea mays, Schinus molle , Mimosa quitensis, Juglans neotropica, Salix sp., Croton wagnerii, Solanum tuberosum, Erithrina edulis, Penisetum clandestinum, Scirpus totora, Trifolium repens,
Opuntia sp., Cereus sp.
Tilapia monambica, Tilapia melanopleura, Tilapia milotica, Cairina moscata, Falco sparverius, Buteo magnirostris, Cyanicollis sp., Zenaida auriculata, Procephalus rubinus, Phecticus sp., Bubulcus ibis, Zonotrichia capensis, Nothiochelidon sp. Scaly saurians or lizards: Enylioides Microlipis, Anuros Mylidae: Gastrocha Riobambae Sapo Verde, Marsupiales Didelphis azarae Raposa, Sylvilagus brasiliensis conejo.
The panorama that exists responds to the presence of several feeding channels such as the irrigation channel or canal that brings the waters from the Tahuando River, whose flow depends on the climatic season; In the same way, we appreciate the slopes of the Manzana Huayco and Polo ravines. Due to the sedimentation and lack of permanent channels of water that maintain their level, the loss of liquid is of 24cms per year. The natural landscape is formed by several hills and viewpoints located to the south side west, the same that are eroded for the most part. On the other hand, the relief that surrounds the lagoon presents undulations with strong and steep slopes.
On the banks are crops, fruit trees and in several places plants of totora. In addition, in the eastern part of the lagoon sites have been built for children's recreation.
Canoeing, water skiing, jet skis, swimming competitions.
History about the lagoon
The Yahuarcocha lagoon is a glacial lagoon located in the parish of El Priorato, 3 kilometers north of the city of Ibarra, in the center-east of the province of Imbabura, Ecuador.
Before the arrival of the Incas was known as Caranguecocha by the town Carangue (today Caranqui).
In 1,487 the Caranquis began a terrible and bloody battle that culminated with the triumph of the Inca Huayna Capac. Once declared the victory ordered to kill all the men able to take the arms. More than 30,000 men died and their corpses, thrown into the lagoon, stained the waters with red. The lagoon then appeared to the Indians as a sea of blood, and they called it Yahuarcocha, which derives from the Quechua roots Yahuar "blood" and Cocha "lake", and means "Lake of Blood."
2180 m.s.n.m. In a valley between two great volcanoes, the volcano Imbabura and the volcano Cotacachi.
The lagoon has a minimum age of 12,000 years. At present, its mirror of water is of 257 hectares with a navigable perimeter of 7.970 meters, and a maximum depth of 8 meters.Before the arrival of the Incas was known as Caranguecocha by the town Carangue (today Caranqui).
In 1,487 the Caranquis began a terrible and bloody battle that culminated with the triumph of the Inca Huayna Capac. Once declared the victory ordered to kill all the men able to take the arms. More than 30,000 men died and their corpses, thrown into the lagoon, stained the waters with red. The lagoon then appeared to the Indians as a sea of blood, and they called it Yahuarcocha, which derives from the Quechua roots Yahuar "blood" and Cocha "lake", and means "Lake of Blood."
The fauna of the area consists of small fish, lizards, green frog, fox, rabbit. You can observe birds like the Diver Piquipinto, Andean Teal, Night Heron, American Kestrel, Andean Focha, Bigeye Tortola, Big Blackbird, Blue and White Swallow, Andean Duck, Striated Blue Heron, Pechinegra Eagle, Andean Gull, Ecuadorian Ridger.
In the village of Yahuarcocha there are numerous food stalls that sell tilapia, a fish characteristic of the lagoon. Usually you can choose the piece, and if you prefer fried or roasted.
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